Photo Credit: Alecia Soto
CBN: We’d love to learn more about you, your story and what you are focused on professionally. Please tell our readers about what you do, what you feel is most exciting or special about it, as well as anything else you’d like folks to know about you!
Reyna: I am a visual artist and author. I have been in love with art since childhood, constantly adding new characters to my illustrated storybooks. It wasn't until high school though that I found art again and recognized that it could be used as a universal language and another form of expression. It became an escape from all of the pressures I put on myself to excel in academics. Later on I learned I could use the same concept to create a happier mood in my home and in the homes of people who would collect and display my art. Writing has also been a tool by which I am able to elevate my mood, with the three (soon to be 4) poetry collections I have published it has become a way to reflect on my journey and evolve while leaving a blueprint behind for everyone else on a similar journey. It has been such a gift to represent my community and provide representation in large scale activations and platforms as I collaborate with top brands like Apple, American Express, Google, Meta and so many more. My culture shows up in my figures, my love for color and vibrancy, the bold patterns and flora.
“We are often under the impression that we need to wait for inspiration to create and the optimal time, I have learned to structure my time and space so that I have no choice but to create. ”
CBN: Upon some reflection, what were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey?
Reyna: 1. I credit self reflection and introspection, discipline, and gratitude. Self reflection allowed me to examine parts of my self where I needed to grow in order to become the person I was capable of being. 2. Discipline paired with my passion for creating is what allowed it to be a profitable business. I realized I couldn't wait for inspiration to create because then I would never be able to thrive.
3. Gratitude and reverence for my journey at each step of the way allowed me to always make lemonade with my lemons and rise above any circumstance.
Photo Credit: Francesca Perini
Photo Credit: Nirah Sanghani
CBN: How would you describe your work ethic and where did this come from?
Reyna: I would describe my work ethic as disciplined, ambitious and optimistic. I credit my education and work experience with my ability to create an art practice that is consistent, productive and sustainable. We are often under the impression that we need to wait for inspiration to create and the optimal time, I have learned to structure my time and space so that I have no choice but to create. Working in retail, and education as well as being a student that excelled through one of the most rigorous curriculums internationally I was often tasked with setting goals for myself so that I could achieve a desired result. In art no one (unless you work with a gallery or have management, which I have neither) is telling you how consistently you should be creating or what time to eat, when to sleep, when to take a vacation. I have referred to schedules from my past to determine the best ways to stay productive and not overworked.
Photo Credit: Ruben Cabrera
CBN: How do you currently deal with or overcome imposter syndrome?
Reyna: By focusing on purpose I am able to overcome imposter syndrome, who cares if you feel qualified if you are being CALLED by God to deliver a message or make a change. I remind myself often that I am not doing this for me, but instead it is for the people that need to hear my message, see the representation in my work, or see me as an example of what is possible if they believe in themselves.
We thank you Reyna for sharing your BOLD JOURNEY!
Follow: @reynanoriega_