Photo Credit: Corri Latapy


CBN: Hi ! We’d love to learn more about you, your story and what you are focused on professionally – whether it’s a business, nonprofit, artistic career etc. Please tell our readers about what you do, what you feel is most exciting or special about it, as well as anything else you’d like folks to know about your brand/art/etc.

Afiya: I am Afiya Francis, the producer of InSeason Life, a lifestyle media channel focused on food, travel, lifestyle, and life's little luxuries, based in Trinidad and Tobago. Though I was born in Trinidad and Tobago, I left at the age of two and have since lived in Belgium, South Africa, the USA, Jamaica, and Japan. Despite spending most of my formative years abroad, my parents ensured that Trinidad and Tobago culture remained an integral part of my upbringing. Through music and food, my sister and I always felt a connection to home, and in our adult years, it became our way of connecting with others. When I returned to Trinidad and Tobago briefly at age 13, I was introduced to carnival. Initially, I was not impressed by most elements except for the music. At age 16, my parents encouraged me to play mas. Since then, I have grown to deeply appreciate and love this unique and beautiful aspect of our culture. I now create carnival content for an award winning carnival band and the Trinidad and Tobago Carnival Museum. I hope to be able to contribute to our cultural festival in other ways in the near future. In 2016, I created InSeason Tours, a food tourism company focused on curating exciting culinary experiences throughout Trinidad and Tobago. When the pandemic hit, I pivoted to InSeason Life. InSeason Life allows me to bring a local voice with a global perspective to my community. Through my platform, I showcase products and places across the Caribbean and the world, while fostering a community of supportive, audacious, and authentic Caribbean women. In addition to being a content creator and influencer, I am also a voice actor, freelance social media manager and an educational tourism expert. I aspire to become a travel TV show host and a lecturer in cultural studies.

CBN: It’s wonderful to meet you! Thanks for that lovely insight. How did you find your purpose?

Afiya: I believe that my purpose evolves with each season of my life. In this current season, I feel that my purpose is to inspire and encourage women to be authentic and audacious. It saddens me to see so many incredible women hold back from embracing their full potential. I genuinely want all of us to win because I know we all can. Winning looks different for everyone and there is room for all of us. The InSeason online community is truly amazing, and I've had the privilege of connecting with so many beautiful women on and offline, many of whom have become real-life friends. I’ve received messages and met people who have told me that I’ve inspired them to speak up, to be audacious, and to embrace their true selves without fear. These messages always leave me in awe because, while I feel confident in who I am, I also understand the journey it took to get here and the effort it takes to maintain that confidence. Knowing that I’ve played a role in someone’s journey towards self-confidence is truly humbling and mind-blowing.

CBN: What do you do when you feel stuck or overwhelmed? Any advice or strategies for other entrepreneurs?

Afiya: When I feel stuck or overwhelmed, I rest. Resting intentionally can be one of the hardest things to do, but it is essential for keeping both your body and mind functioning well. For me, resting can mean taking a nap, going to the beach, taking a walk in nature while talking to God or journaling. Once my mind is at ease, I write down all the tasks I need to complete in order of priority and tackle each one bit by bit. You can't eat an elephant in one bite.

I genuinely want all of us to win because I know we all can. Winning looks different for everyone and there is room for all of us.
— Afiya Francis, Founder - In Season Life

CBN: How did you develop your confidence and self esteem?

Afiya: Developing my self-esteem and confidence has been a journey, and it’s an ongoing process. Growing up as a minority in predominantly white communities took a toll on my confidence. Even when I returned to Trinidad at age 13, I still felt like an outsider. Like any 13-year-old, I wasn’t sure of who I was, and pairing that lack of self-awareness with culture shock was a challenging combination. It took a lot of time for me to find myself. For many years, I had to code-switch, changing or hiding parts of who I was to fit in or simply to survive. However, when I went off to university in Jamaica, something clicked. Being among so many amazing Caribbean men and women made me realize the power of community in my journey of self-discovery. Therapy has also been very helpful. I’ve been going to therapy since my university days. It has provided me with tools to develop my confidence and navigate times when imposter syndrome has me in its grip. Therapy has taught me to ask for what I want and to always bet on myself. I’m continually developing myself personally and professionally. Whether I’m taking an online course in digital marketing, connecting with experts in my field and asking them questions, or teaching myself how to edit via YouTube, I’m always finding ways to improve. Developing my skills helps me to feel confident in the work I produce. I also firmly believe in looking good to feel good. When I dress well, I feel like I can do anything I set my mind to.

We thank you Ain for sharing your BOLD JOURNEY!

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